28 October 2015


Title: Day-Glo
Rating: 2/5

With fall colors on some distant planet, this puzzle should brighten your day.

The official rules:

  • The digits 1 through 9 appear in each row and each column exactly once.
  • Digits in each shaded region must add to the indicated sum.   
  • Squares with multiple colors contain a number that’s used in the sum for adjacent regions of each of those colors.
  • Remember: numbers can repeat within a shaded region if that doesn't violate the first rule. 

21 October 2015

Hurricane Marilyn

Title: Hurricane Marilyn
Rating: 3/5 

There are several versions of drinks that include the word "hurricane" in the name.  This particular one includes rum, whisky, Cointreau, guava juice, cranberry juice, and lemon juice.

The official rules:

  • The digits 1 through 9 appear in each row and each column exactly once.
  • Digits in each shaded region must add to the indicated sum (denoted by +) or multiply to the indicated product (denoted by *).   
  • Squares with multiple colors contain a number that’s used in the sum/product for adjacent regions of each of those colors.  
  • Remember: numbers can repeat within a shaded region if that repetition doesn't violate the first rule.

14 October 2015


Title: Zeus
Rating: 4/5

As one of the more difficult product puzzles, you may feel a little thunderstruck trying to complete this one.

The official rules:

  • The digits 1 through 9 appear in each row and each column exactly once.
  • Digits in each shaded region must multiply to the indicated product.   
  • Squares with multiple colors contain a number that’s used in the product for adjacent regions of each of those colors.  
  • Remember: numbers can repeat within a shaded region if that doesn't violate the first rule. 

07 October 2015

Colors Have Been Twinned

Title: Colors Have Been Twinned
Rating: 4/5

Please pardon the Pocahontas pun.  The puzzle above is not an alternate puzzle.  However, the cells at the following locations don't just abut--they intersect: (2,2), (2,5), (2,8), (5,2), (5,8), (8,2), (8,5), (8,8).  The colors in these cells are the average of the colors of the regions intersecting there.  For example, cell (5,8)--row 5, column 8--is contained in both the horizontal green region and the vertical blue region.

The official rules:

  • The digits 1 through 9 appear in each row and each column exactly once.
  • Digits in each shaded region must add to the indicated sum.   
  • Squares with multiple colors contain a number that’s used in the sum for adjacent regions of each of those colors.
  • Remember: numbers can repeat within a shaded region if that doesn't violate the first rule.