28 February 2022

Sudokule 01

It's been a while since I've created new puzzles.  I've had some sporadic additions to the mix puzzles for specific audiences, but I hadn't had a well-defined inspiration for something new.  That changed earlier this year, and as of now, I've created 16 puzzles of what I'm calling a Sudokule puzzle.

The puzzle below represents the first in that series of puzzles. It uses the logic of two different games -- Sudoku and Wordle; the specific rules appear below the board. I hope you enjoy.


The official rules:
  • The digits 1 through 9 appear in each row, each column, and each 3X3 sub-block exactly once.
  • Digits in green squares are in the correct row and column of the sub-block.  
  • Digits in yellow squares aren’t in that square, but do appear in either that row or column of the sub-block. 
  • Digits in gray squares do not appear in that row or column of the sub-block.
  A board with only confirmed correct numbers is below: